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The Mercedes W115 V8-Ute Project*

This is just a blog of my Argentine Pick-Up Project. What's in it?

Summary is the story in a nutshell ... for those who don't want to read the rest ;-)

Purchase/History (2014-2017) tells you the nearly two-year nightmare of purchasing the car, getting it out of Argentina as well as something about the history and facts of the Argentine Pick-Up

Prototyping (2017-2019) is the section of the V8-Prototype up to a running car as well as preparing necessary add-ons to the car, e. g. ABS, Aircon, ...

Restoration (2019-2021) is the section for the huge task of getting a completely rotten car back on track including restoring all parts of the car ...

Build (2021-2022) shows the final stages of the project ... putting it all back together again to a roadworthy car and it shows pictures and events with the finished car

Specials will tell you something about - imho - special developments and solutions, that are implemented in this car

People introduces you to the most important asset in such a project: enthusiasts who contributed to this endeavour

And if you like, you can leave a comment in my Guest Book, thank you!

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* Why "ute"?

Well in Australia those pick-ups based on sedans (or limousines) are pretty popular. They were originally THE car for the tradies (German: Handwerker) and became also popular as a "cool" car. So they were called "utility cars". As usual in Australia ("Oz") this is far too much to say or write, so it is abbreviated to "ute". As "Ute" is also a female German name, it is the first car with a name for me ... incl. the double meaning.