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As it was and as it is now ...

1 April 2022

First Classic Car Meeting ...

17 April 2022

So, today was the "big day" ;-) ... first classic car meeting at the "Hirschberger Oldtimer Treffen Rosenhof". All people seemed to be desparate to have those meetings again after corona ... I guess more than 250 cars were there at least.

So I parked the car pretty early and it didn't take a long time when the first people stopped. "Ah an individual conversion" ;-) ... "no, it's original". So many many discussions started and the wow-effect got even bigger, as I opened the hood or showed the leather inside. I got many many compliments for the car (boosted my ego a bit ;-) and even the photographer of a magazine asked, if I were interested in an article. Surprisingly no "German envy" and no comments like "but that's not original" ... that was nice. The car made it back and forth, so on to the next optimisation steps!

First long drive ...

13 July 2022

So, another "big day" yesterday. I did a drive last week 2x90kms that went alright (first time clocked 200km/h GPS with it). So after all the "troubles" I was pretty apprehensive (actually terrified) about the first long drive. So at 25-30° degrees, aircon on (works great btw), we started for our 300km drive, half Autobahn, half overland roads. Believe it or not, we arrived and we came back ... so 600kms in one day. I'm pretty satisified now with the fan: driving on the Autobahn it stayed around 85-90°C and in a traffic jam around 95°C. Maximum was at a steep uphill traffic jam, but it stayed at 100C° ... alright for me.

On a more emotional side: the trip went to my aunt and uncle; he is 83 years old now, car mechanic with his own company, now owned by his son. He was pretty impressed with the car. In 2004, before I bought my first old car, the R107, he took a full day and drove 300kms with me to have a look at it and see, if it is any good. I still have it, it is good and I'm pretty thankful for that!

P. S.: Got a lot of looks and thumbs-up ... best thing is still driving on the Autobahn at 125km/h, a modern car is behind you thinking "that's the max. speed for a 220D" and then shifting down to third gear ;-)

Second Classic Car Meeting ...

17 July 2022

Same car meeting again and - again - lots and lots of interest and questions. Beautiful day today (28°C), beautiful cars. Again the aircon proved useful on the way home ;-) ... 

Edit: Tim from Ozbenz made a funny comment about the photo with the brown W111 Coupé on the right: 
"You certainly have the crowd - the benz coupe only has one looking while you are entertaining the rest" ;-)))

Photo Session ;-) ...

17 July 2022

As I was asked for "finished" photos of the ute, I realised that I didn't have a lot of "just car photos" ... so today I changed that ;-)

Preliminary acceleration Video ...

20 September 2022

It was too much traffic today, but I thought I upload this video anyway ... it shows a bit the acceleration in third gear ... the Audi SUV behind me couldn't believe it ;-) ... its passenger took the smartphone out and took a video ;-)

Acceleration ...

Two more driving videos ...

5 October 2022

Again  too much traffic, but I invested in a suction cup for the camera, so better quality this time. Results:

Great acceleration
Probably worse aerodynamics than the R107 SL
Not enough empty road to stay on the pedal ;-)

Stay tuned ...

Up to 211km/h ...

And another try ...

Last driving video ;-)

9 October 2022

Last try this time, early Sunday morning. The Autobahn was pretty empty, but the max. speed achieved remained 213km/h GPS (roughly 230km/h speedo). Obviously the aerodynamics of the ute is so bad, that there's not more in it.

As I have a 500SL with the same motor (since 2004), I'm pretty sure, the motor has the power; however it's only got 1,600kms on the clock, maybe it needs a bit of time ;-)

One explanation could be the "long" diff (2.24); the aerodynamic is worse than the 500SL, so third gear is too short and fourth gear is too long. A shorter diff (2.47 or 2.65) "could" solve the problem, but imho vmax is not priority one with this car ;-)

Remark for the "non-Germans":
The video was taken on the Autobahn Darmstadt-Frankfurt, where in the 1930s Mercedes-Benz and Auto-Union (predecessor of Audi) were competing for the max. speed of their race cars. In 1938 Rudolf Caracciola (Mercedes) drove 437km/h and just a few hours later,  Bernd Rosemeyer from Auto-Union tried to top it. Unfortunately he crashed and died; there's still an Autobahn parking named after him on that stretch.

General remark on those videos:
I'm pretty happy and I gain trust in that car. This little cheap camera is mounted to the drivers door window with a suction cup. You might notice, that even at those speeds the car is absolutely steady, nor rumbling or anything. So one of the objectives is achieved: it drives like my 500SL!

Vmax test early Sunday morning

The reason for this project ;-)

18 December 2022

Well, I hereby reveal the real reason for this project: state-of-the-art xmas tree transport ;-) ... today @ -8 degrees, the car started rightaway (after two months standing around) and we drove to our usual farm, where we get the tree. Pretty high (around 2.8-3 metres), we put the cargo door down, the license plate holder up and off we went. Arrived safely at home ... xmas can come!

"Utility car" ...

Three more acceleration videos ...

16 February 2023

As the weather was better today, I did a test drive again. Motor started straight away after 1.5 months and off I went:

First 80->120km/h in roughly 4.2 seconds ... not too bad in second gear.

Then 100->200km/h in third gear in roughly 25 seconds (went to 210 speedo, as this is roughly real 200km/h)

And third 0->100km/h in roughly 8 seconds, should go a bit faster as the first gear only went to 40km/h ... but this shows me, that the motor must have its power!

Last but not least a Cayenne driver without balls ;-) ... this one's for the Aussies, my favourite song ("Nobody likes a bogan" from "Area 7", a Melbourne band) ;-)

100 -> 200km/h

One for the Aussies ;-)

80 -> 120km/h

0 -> 100km/h

Karlsruhe Meeting

23 April 2023

Last year I was invited by the organiser of the "Karlsruhe Tribute to Carl Benz" event ... couldn't come then. This year the event took place again, however it was cancelled last Thursday due to weather conditions. Weather report got better and so it was "restarted" in a smaller fashion, i. e. 30-40 cars were expected only (to 400 planned). Well, the place was packed and - I guess - nearly everyone came. "As usual" I had to talk a lot; even two representatives of a W114/115 and W123 club showed up and were interested in the ute.

The Aussie stone guards were the topic of many questions as well. Next to me there was a beautiful 1961 Corvette ... in the afternoon, the owner said to me "I know the story now so well, I can tell it for you" ;-)

Maybe you enjoy some pics!

P. S.: There was actually a visitor stopping by who said "I have been in Buenos Aires and I have seen such a car there" ... 

Karlsruhe Castle
He himself ;-)
Always crowded ...
One of the many interesting cars ... here with a period correct caravan!

Great Pick-Up Video from Steffen ...

8 July 2023

Today I got a really great video from Steffen, the organiser of the "Oldtimertreffen Rosenhof", an open classic car meeting, for more than 15 years (Rosenhof).

Parts of it was last October, when Chai visited from Australia. Thanks a lot to Steffen for that effort ... I really appreciate it!

Copyright of course by Steffen.

Oldtimertreffen Rosenhof

W114/115 Club Meeting Munich ...

31 July 2023

We attended our first "Strich-8" Club meeting (Stroke-8) in Munich. Nearly 100 cars attended, very nice people and - may I be so bold to say "as usual" - there was a lot of interest in the ute. Two more V8 conversions as well as a long wheel base were there too. It was also the first really long drive for the ute ... all in all roughly 1,300kms ...

Panoramic view at the end ...
First aerial photo ...

Hamburg "Stroke-8" Day ...

10 September 2023

For quite some years, the Hamburg chapter of the German W114/115 Club ("Strich-8") has a yearly meeting at a vintage gas station. This gas station is originally from the 50s and kept like this incl. the interiour. You can actually have your TÜV there, there's catering and just a great location.

After Sascha from the Hamburg chapter asked me three times in Munich if I could come, my wife and I made our way to Hamburg on Friday morning. Saturday was the event and roundabout 70 cars attended incl. two strech limos (one RHD), two station wagons and one cabriolet. "Surprisingly" the ute caught a lot of attention ;-) and my throat is sore today from all the talking ;-)

We made our way back home safely last night and did 575kms in 4.5 hours (!), i.e. that's why you put a V8 in this car!!!

Driving to Hamburg on the Autobahn ...

Original 50s style ...
​Drowned in a lake, last TÜV was 1979 ;-)

Two years gone: First TÜV ...

25 November 2023

I just cannot believe how quickly time passes! Last week, the first TÜV (roadworthiness) was due and - of course - I got the sticker for the next two years ;-)

I had it done through my Mercedes dealer here and the TÜV-guy is there for years, so he could "follow" the project "as a witness" and knows the car in and out.

6,800kms I have done in those two years and I can tell you: every bloody kilometre was just fun and worth every drop of fuel!

Cars & Coffee Stuttgart 2023

Cars & Coffee Stuttgart ...

7 July 2024

Today we've been to Cars & Coffee again in Stuttgart at the Mercedes Museum. Wonderful day and a Pick-Up Mass-Event ;-) ... besides mine there was a conversion from the 90s with an extended wheel base (approx. 70cms extra) and a Bakkie from South Africa. I saw this car the first time in the flesh.

Also from the W114/115 club the "64-colour-car" was attending, painted by apprentices with all available colours for the W114/115 at the time.

The Bakkie from South Africa
All Pick-Ups in front of the museum