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As more and more people contact me regarding the Pick-Up, I decided to share some information about other W114/115 Pick-Ups here. These can be original Argentine Pick-Ups or other kind of contemporary or recent conversions.

All info and pictures here are shown with the explicit permission of the owners.

(1) Mark's original Pick-Up (UK)

12 February 2024


I start with Mark's original Argentine Pick-Up. He purchased it in December 2018 and imported it from Argentina in 2019. It's registered in the UK and 100% original. However, once in the UK, this truck underwent a full restoration of the running gear and lower bodywork so that it can be used on a regular basis. He left the upper bodywork and interior as original because it was in pretty good condition.  He bought it directly from the estate of a landowner who bought it new (!) in 1972 and cherished it for 50 years.

Mark's original Pick-Up